Removing Lead Paint From An Old Home: Four Things To Know

If you own an older home and you are considering remodeling or repainting, it's a good idea to talk to a painting contractor about the possibility of lead paint existing in your home. If you do have lead paint, you'll want to make sure a professional removes it for you. Here are a few things you need to know about lead paint.

Homes That Are Affected

Homes built prior to 1978 may have lead paint present. This doesn't mean that you are guaranteed to have lead paint in the home, but if your home was built before 1978, you should at least consider having it inspected. Some homes may have been remodeled since then, so the paint may have been removed at that point. Don't trust that your home has had its lead paint removed just because the exterior of the home has a fresh coat of paint. It's possible that previous owners simply painted over the lead paint, leaving the threat still lingering in and around your home. Depending on when you purchased your home, you may have received a pamphlet or brochure outlining the potential threat of lead paint in the home.

Federal Laws Regarding Repairs

The federal government has regulations in place governing how lead paint is removed from homes. The contractors performing the work must be trained and certified to remove the hazards, and they must follow specific rules regarding containment and cleaning of the area before, during, and after the lead removal project.These rules dictate which types of protective gear can be worn as well as how to clean up the area after work has been completed.

Whole-Home Safety

If you have lead paint in your home, you should consider having it removed from every room in your home. While this may be more work and more expense than you planned for, particularly if you were only planning on repainting one room, it can help to ensure the health and safety of your family. Lead paint on the exterior of your home can still pose a problem to your family's health and the health of any pets you might have that spend time outside of the home. Work with your painting contractor to have any exterior painting that is lead based removed as well.

Options In Work Performed

Lead can be a dangerous, toxic substance, so you should consider hiring a professional for your peace of mind. You can still paint your home as a DIY project if you so choose. Simply hire your painting contractor to handle the lead abatement and removal portion of the project, and then you can continue with the rest of the work.

Whether you are planning to repaint or you simply want to make sure you don't have lead paint in your home, consider contacting an experienced painting contractor. With the help of someone trained and certified in lead removal, you can remove a potential danger from your house and increase the beauty of your home as well. Be sure to arrange for alternate living arrangements for you and your family while the paint is being removed to help ensure everyone's safety.
