3 Possible House Painting Mistakes That A DIYer Can Make

Painting your house is an important investment and an extensive project that has a huge impact on the home's overall appearance. While well-painted walls make your house look more appealing, a bad DIY paint job can cause your house to appear messy and, in some cases, neglected. Preparing your home for painting is important because errors and oversights can derail the entire project. Keep reading below to understand some common DIY mistakes in painting.

Incorrect Paint Storage

It is imperative that you store your paint indoors in a cool, dry space protected from direct sunlight and moisture. Thus, avoid storing paint in too cold or too hot rooms because the paint's chemical composition changes under extreme temperatures. There is also the risk of contamination if the paint is left with the lid off. As you seek appropriate storage, keep in mind that water-based paints freeze faster than oil-based.

Leaving Painter's Tape Up Too Long

No paint looks good with messy edges, especially likely near windows and doors. Thus, professional painters use tape to ensure the final look is clean and neat. Removing the tape an hour after the painting project is advisable because leaving it on for a long time can cause issues, e.g., the paint peeling off. To remove the stuck tape, you can use a razor blade or knife to cut through it. You can also use a blow-drier to heat the tape slightly, making it easier to peel by hand.

Not Using Primer

Primer is important in painting, especially when transitioning from a dark to a lighter color. You can use two coats of primer to get a smoother and fresher shade. In addition, a primer provides a suitable surface for the new paint to adhere to without the old one bleeding out. When painting wood, it is also indispensable to seal out tannin, a phenolic compound that comes to the surface when the wood is wet. This compound can cause discoloration, thereby staining the paint. Furthermore, priming is functional in hiding imperfections in your walls, e.g., porous wood.

Numerous aspects can go wrong in a DIY house paint job. Fortunately, house painting contractors have the training and experience to perform an expert job and know what paint to use on different surfaces. For example, some surfaces generally absorb water-based paints faster than oil-based paints. Therefore, engaging a professional is the most effective way to avoid errors.

For more information, contact a company like YU1 Painting Co.
