Removing Lead Paint From An Old Home: Four Things To Know

If you own an older home and you are considering remodeling or repainting, it's a good idea to talk to a painting contractor about the possibility of lead paint existing in your home. If you do have lead paint, you'll want to make sure a professional removes it for you. Here are a few things you need to know about lead paint. Homes That Are Affected Homes built prior to 1978 may have lead paint present.

Questions To Ask Of Commercial Painters Before Hiring One

When you've finally admitted to yourself that your office building could look better with a fresh coat of paint inside and out, calling up a commercial painter or company is the logical next step. However, in your communications with commercial painters in the local area, be sure to ask questions like the ones below to ensure everything proceeds smoothly. Can You Work Weekends? Having painters on the premises while your own employees are trying to get their daily tasks completed can be distracting at best.